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Why I'm Obsessed with Infrared Saunas

I’ve been going to steam rooms and saunas for years, but it wasn’t until I began to integrate them into my weekly routine to truly see the impact and benefits they have on your entire well-being. Being in a small, hot box for 40-minutes may sound like a nightmare to many, but I promise if you are able to find an incredible studio, you won’t be able to remember your wellness routine without one.

So, why infrared saunas? [when you’re spending $60+ plus on a session, you best believe I did my research] 

  1. Heart Health 

    A study published by Clinical Cardiology in 2018 found that infrared bathing 15 minutes a day five days a week for two to four weeks led to short-term improvements in cardiovascular function in people with heart failure.

  2. Mood Booster

    This same study found that along with reduced stress and inflammation and an improvement in blood vessel function, infrared sauna sessions are physiologically as beneficial as walking. 

    I also like to take time when I am in the sauna to meditate if I haven’t already that day, which allows me to calm my brain and lower my overall stress levels. 

  3. Detoxification 

    Of course, the majority of us go to saunas as a way to detox from a night out, potentially overindulging, and even to help us reset for the day/week. 

    Infrared sauna heat increases your blood circulation to help stimulate the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins in the body which can then be eliminated by the liver and bowel. Regular infrared sauna sessions can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of accumulated highly toxic metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, alcohol, nicotine, sulfuric acid, and other organic and inorganic compounds (via Perspire). 

  4. Burn Calories 

    Honestly, this part is wild to me. You can burn up to 400 calories in a 40-minute session. Your body is actually hard at work producing sweat, pumping blood, and burning calories. As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart will work harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation.This increase in your metabolism will burn calories all while you relax, as well as long after your session ends.

    According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, regular use of an infrared sauna imparts a similar stress on the cardiovascular system as that of running, and regular use may be as effective a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise.

  5. Reduces inflammation

    We all like to indulge here and there - I’ve found that going to a sauna a day after eating too much sugar or dairy really helps me to reduce any type of inflammation caused by a whacky diet or meal. I’ll often give myself a facial massage as well as lymphatic drainage while in the sauna to further the benefits of the combination of infrared light therapy with the heat. 

    It also helps to relieve any joint or muscle pain - if I’m feeling super sore from pilates or maybe slept a little funky, I always feel 10x better after going into the sauna. 

  6. Improves Skin

    Honestly, this may be one of my favorite perks of a sauna. After a session, my skin is always radiating and so so smooth. I’ve always struggled with eczema and uneven skin tone, and going to the sauna has helped me to keep those conditions at bay. 

    How? Increased circulation draws your skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface. As a result, you will see improved tone, elasticity, texture, and fresh color. Increased circulation has also been shown to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions, and cuts.

  7. Improves Sleep 

    I’ve suffered from insomnia on and off over the last few years, and I have found if I go to the sauna in the evening, I have a much much deeper sleep that night. 

    Infrared saunas help to promote relaxation, release tension, and naturally calm the nervous system. Oh, and those with chromotherapy have additional benefits with each light providing specific benefits. 

So… where to find one? Typically, I like to use ClassPass to find a studio no matter which city I’m in. Oftentimes, gyms like Equinox will have one. In Southern California, I’ve come to love Perspire, a sauna studio that truly elevates the sauna experience with your own private rooms, TV, and a cold lavender towel. I’ve also come to like Pause Studio in Marina Del Rey and Alchemie Spa in Santa Monica. 

Hope you enjoy getting your sweat on - promise it’s worth it! 

PS - here’s a TikTok video I did showcasing my experience at Alchemie Spa.